Tag archives for languages
Gramatica geto-dacă e cea mai superioară, etc. (cu completări)
Răcit fiind, păduri nu pot cutreiera, și nici concentrațiune prea multă nu am a dezvolta. Dar pentru că ce am de combătut a apărut pe un blog, mi-am zis să…
A small collection of Romanian idioms, explained
A random collection of 80 Romanian idioms, from an Instagram account, downloaded using a Chrome extension. Not the best possible choice, and not always explained the way I’d have done…
Is this neuroscientist stupid? Now with a language connection!
This is to complement an older post of mine, The Blue That Is Green (And More). Here's what I just read in the Guardian: Do you see blue or green?…
Language Learning Apps and YT Channels: Season 3
This comes as a late update to my previous post from 2021, Language Learning Apps, Revisited: 34 Products + Bonus Links, which in turn was an update to a post…
Online learning with Udemy and Domestika, but also on YouTube!
Today another Udemy sale campaign ends, and I didn't purchase anything (strange enough, it featured courses from €11·99 for existing accounts, and from €14·99 for new students); this reminded me…
The viral game that makes you feel smart: Wordle
I wanted to resist this viral crap (because crap it is, alright), but in the end, what the heck, we're all humans. I fail to understand why Wordle is such…
The Miraculous Language Courses of the US Military + BONUS
The DLIFC (Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center) prepares military linguists for the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy using incredibly intense programs. Knowing that most Americans…
Language Learning Apps, Revisited: 34 Products + Bonus Links
More than three years ago, I discussed a few apps meant to help you learn a foreign language; while I still believe the best way to learn a language is…
Le Twitter des cons
I've given up Facebook long ago; now I have the proof that Twitter isn't any better anymore. A little social experiment proved to be "the last straw" (so to speak).…
In omaggio a John Peter Sloan (1969-2020)
Sono nato inglese ma morirò italiano, said five years ago the most famous language teacher in Italy. Nobody thought though that this would happen so soon. Here's a text I…
Learning a language in 200 hours?
German is an impossible language. Right after I got the Zertifikat Deutsch B1, I forgot half of what I've learned. This is in part because all the methods and textbooks…