Tag archives for apocalypse
🤖 The biggest European IA conference nobody cares about
I’m not entirely sure whether what the title says is what I believe, but the fact is that El Presidente Macron El Primero wants to make France a big name…
🤖 AI: from LLMs to Enslavement ● ChatGPT lies about its Search!
When I wrote my previous post about AI, triggered by DeepSeek’s success, I did touch most aspects that I considered relevant for the current AI bubble, centered on LLMs and…
Chatting with the 🤖 Overlord: DeepSeek on LLM AIs and itself
Initially, I wanted to write a long and complex feature on the generative AI engines, only to realize, as time was passing by, that such a task was becoming increasingly…
The CPU Apocalypse: Yet Another Effect of Greed
I am sick of the endless string of vulnerabilities because of CPU design flaws. A recent sampler: Meltdown (2018), Spectre (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, and SpectreRSB in 2018, SWAPGS…
One more time about Red Hat
On December 25, I wrote about how Red Hat is fucking shitting on Linux. I mentioned that RHEL 10 Beta and CentOS Stream 10 removed most graphical desktop applications, because…
Cui îi e teamă de normalitate?
Preiau aici textul pe care l-am postat pe Facebook. Nu de alta, dar s-ar putea să fie eliminat. Nu de către fact-checking-ul care s-a cam desființat, ci de vreo interpretare…
News of Apocalypse from The Atlantic
In the version of this blog from May 2007 to Feb. 2009, most of my posts (roughly four per day!) consisted of links to external articles, including lots of political…
Când credeam că le-am văzut pe toate…
Rolul lui YouTube a ajuns mai important decât al televiziunilor. Dacă oligofrenii sunt prostiți pe TikTok cu „producții” de 15 secunde, YouTube oferă, în afara producțiilor clasice aflate sub pragul…
Now I really developed a fear of flying!
The last week of December has seen some unfortunate aviation accidents and incidents. Not all were of the same kind, but there were too many either way. And, for the…
Red Hat is fucking shitting on Linux
I wanted to write this about two weeks ago, but I just got sort of apathetic. Well, what I wanted to say has to be said, so here it is:…
I might have discovered what ahedonia means
I wanted to write some blog posts, but I cancelled or postponed them. I had plans to investigate, study, examine, dig, look into a number of IT-related things, and I…
Este Cîcîrostanul o cîcîrocrație, sau o cîcîrotatură?
Am scris aceste rânduri în timp ce-l ascultam LIVE pe Pătraru. Cine a sinucis democrația? Taman că când credeam că nu se poate mai suprarealist, mai absurd, mai grotesc, mai…
Țara tâmpiților (care suntem)
Poporul român e bolnav la cap. E futut la creier. Are o scuză că a votat prost, dar nu are o scuză că a votat atât de prost. Firește, nu…
The suicide of the car industry
After the old news that Europe’s biggest carmaker, Volkswagen, might need to close factories, cut thousands of jobs, and diminish wages, I stumbled upon a newer one: Ford said it…
Economie și finanțe: Un contabil bun poate fi pe alocuri și prost
Am aflat despre tovarășul Radu Georgescu, unul din numeroșii Radu Georgescu, din rebutul de presă românească. Respectivul a fost citat cu câteva observații bune, toate preluate de pe Facebook. Doar…
Scattered thoughts about Russia and the world
Thursday, Nov. 7, has been an interesting day for those who follow the world’s politics. Somewhat surrealistic, but that’s how everything is in the last couple of years or even…
Les jeux sont faits, rien ne va plus
All’s well that ends. Period. I’ve got sick of this planetary tumult and whining about what could happen, what would happen, what’s going to happen to poor us, non-Americans, if…
Trump vs. Dems vs. Israel: not taking sides, just quoting
You know what he said: I’m not saying they’re eating cats and dogs, I’m just repeating what was reported. I also might have a bridge to sell, if you’re interested.…
La peor gota fría (DANA) del siglo, y la mayor incompetencia
I tend to get easily revolted, which means I never truly learn from getting older. But I want to express my indignation and frustration regarding the outcome of the recent…
Les squatteurs et la loi qui les protège
Il y a six semaines, j'avais écrit ce billet : I wish I weren’t born in Europe. Ce faisant, j'ai oublié de mentionner le squat, sauf dans un commentaire pour un…