Tag archives for COVID
Îmi cam ajunge. Ce fascism ar fi fost necesar.
Dincolo de faptul că Dana Budeanu și Mihai Gâdea ar fi trebuit futuți în cur, îndelung și în formă continuată, de un trib foarte negru de oameni foarte furioși și…
At least, we have the masks
A new study by researchers from the Max Planck Institute and Cornell University shows that FFP2 marks offer surprisingly effective protection against SARS-CoV-2. This is by all means great news,…
COVID-19 Report #29: The Sonderbehandlung that won’t be (or will it?)
Continuing from the previous installment, I can't say I'm surprised by the latest news. To cope with the Fourth Wave, "ministers in Northern Ireland have voted to introduce mandatory Covid…
Brave: the browser loved by idiots, morons, and cryptofuckers
When I first met the browser Brave, I thought it to be a Chinese app. With such a name and such a logo, what was I to believe? It wasn't…
COVID-19 Report #28: The Average IQ Keeps Falling
There is no way “the new normality” would ever resemble anything close to the idea of normality, but if worse comes to worst, it's all the fault of the idiots,…
COVID-19 Report #27: Tot în România
Ca și în cazul postării precedente, nu aș fi vrut să mai scriu despre românii tâmpiți, căci sunt sătul de proștii de pretutindeni. Dar zilele trecute m-am enervat pe neamul…
COVID-19 Report #26: The Covidiots are still strong
Writing again about COVID-19 was the last thing I wanted to do, but the widespread stupidity regarding the matter made me do it, being it only succinctly (or I hope…
Biserica, românul, vaccinul: sutana sub care s-a ascuns diavolul
Cele mai recente două postări, întâmplările ulterioare, precum și unele reacții, nu m-au convins că românii ar fi altceva decât o specie modernă de pitecantropi, dar mi-am zis să mai…
Referendum: un fiasco al TVR
Am aflat întâmplător despre noua idee (proastă) a TVR1: noua emisiune REFERENDUM, cu prima ediție pe 11 octombrie, difuzată simultan pe TVR1, TVR Internațional și TVR Moldova, precum și pe…
Românii vs. COVID-19: note de front inutile
Timpul ne arată că imbecilitatea semenilor noștri este nemărginită și se auto-depășește ori, cum s-ar fi spus în alte vremuri, a atins noi și noi culmi de progres și civilizație.…
We Want COVID! (Re-Updated)
I had to interrupt whatever I was doing studying something else, to express my anger against the stupidity of my fellow Europeans. THEY DO WANT COVID! They really cannot live…
Status mundi in tempore coronavirus
Fututi sumus atque nec ignoramus. I mean, we're fucked up, and we very well know it, but is it there still hope? I'm struggling to find the light at the…
Ce este azi România? O hazna, un exemplu tragic de retard mental absolut
O postare în română, într-o zi în care am fost debordat de idioțenia conaționalilor mei. Întreaga planetă este într-o degringoladă majoră, toți retardații Pământului fie sunt în stradă urlând aberații,…
“You can call me Scarlett”—and other idiots; plus Q&A with Professor Ludditus, and more
I really didn't want to waste my time with COVID-19 anymore, but life forced me to. New facts, and possibly new opinions. A darker future, too! The real pandemic is…
The Little Country That Could
Cuba's COVID-19 saga wasn't much touted, because, what the hell, who cares about a Communist relic, and what could they be able to accomplish? In truth, the current epidemiological situation…
China Strikes Back!
One month after we thought we have The Freedom to Blame China, some “objective journalists” try to make us return to the belief that, bats being bats, it's much more…
Patents Kill Patients (But Stupidity Kills Too)
No, this isn't about the “people in India wouldn't die if patents on vaccines were waived” mantra we discussed in great detail in a previous post (in sections NINETEEN, THIRTY-TWO,…
Linus 1, Anti-Vaxxers 0
There are issues on which I agree with Linus Torvalds, issues on which I have a different opinion than his, and issues I couldn't care less about. Here's one instance…
The Alphabet of Our Death
No, it's not Alphabet Inc., the artificial superclass for Google, but the Greek Alphabet, which currently got incremented to Delta, the name of the Indian variant. Other variants are warming…
Half-Truths, Lies, Incompetence and Idiocy Continue to Prevent a True Debate on Vaccines
I'm so sick of the way the anti-vaxxers have hijacked most websites, social networks, forums, even some major news outlets, that I believe the world has irremediably gone beyond Idiocracy.…