Tag archives for salientos
Here’s how Plasma screwed my system: like a Windows virus!
If I needed one more reason to run away from KDE 5, the fate just gave it to me. It might have to do with Arch and how their derivatives…
I had forgotten why I shouldn’t trust Ubuntu… but neither many other distros!
Security, security, security! Patches, patches, patches! This happened to me before, but poor me, I forgot about it, for it's been years since I wasn't into Ubuntu anymore. Updated with…
What Reddit has taught me about Arch Linux
It's all about rice (verb). And tiling window managers. And stupid gamers. Stupid people, more generally. What are some decent people doing on Reddit?! Why are so many hipsters using…
Theming my Salient OS
In my previous post I was looking for more “purity” in Arch, and somehow my judgment led me to prefer Salient OS. But I won't be using it as themed…
Looking for purity in Arch Linux
In my previous installment, I decided to go for an Arch derivative, and the pseudo-scientific rating gave ArcoLinux as the winner. But is there any “purer” Arch, something with as…
The Long Road to Linux-Only (Not Excluding a Bit of WINE)
Remember the undetected headphones issue I had with many Linux distros? I was wrong to be so stubborn as to try to fix it in the current and future distros--and…