Tag archives for longread


SPECIAL: Epic disappointments with Linux (not for the mentally retarded)

In the last year and half, I thought I could stop the distro-hopping, but very recently it turned out it wasn't the case. Since there are criteria and thoughts about…
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Ce nu știați despre aparatele digitale de măsurat tensiunea (și nici despre Huawei)

Sfigmomanometre se cheamă ele de fel, dar cine dracu le mai zice așa? Oricum, dacă tot mă găsesc în patrie, și tot voi da exemple concrete cu relevanță națională, m-am…
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SPECIAL: You Don’t Even Know How Terrible Your Linux Distro Is!

Long time no see, so I'm going to synthesize here the experiences and the epiphanies I had with Linux in the last couple of months. You should be at least…
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