Tag archives for astuteness
Nolite mittere high-tech ante porcos
Following a recent post of mine, I kept reading a number of reviews of recent smartphones, and I've been taken aback by the degree of shallowness and sheer stupidity encounter…
On smartphone sensors
As Pokémon Go is taking over the planet, some people have discovered that their cheap smartphones are lacking a gyroscope–although smartphones that have at least 2 GB of RAM and…
The world is swarming with incompetents…
Some time ago, during a job interview, I was asked at the end why in some version of my résumé I wrote in the soft skills section "attention to detail;…
Debunking some myths about SSDs
SSD seemed to be the second best invention since sliced bread and Netflix, unless we remember those OCZ SSD models that died too early after a rather small number of writes.…