Tag archives for health
Jessie Inchauspé, the self-made wannabe goddess
Wikipedia: “Jessie Inchauspé, also known as Glucose Goddess, is a French bio-chemist and New York Times bestselling author. Her books contain controversial claims promoting techniques designed to manage blood sugar…
Yoga, 4-6, 4-7-8 and 4-8 Breathing, and the retarded Dr. Weil
Breathing is something we don't properly do anymore, even as it's crucial to keep being alive. Modern life has made us unable to even breathe correctly! The ancient philosophy of…
Ce nu știați despre aparatele digitale de măsurat tensiunea (și nici despre Huawei)
Sfigmomanometre se cheamă ele de fel, dar cine dracu le mai zice așa? Oricum, dacă tot mă găsesc în patrie, și tot voi da exemple concrete cu relevanță națională, m-am…