Tag archives for puzzles
Nu, Nicușor Dan nu a rezolvat problema de clasa a patra! Actualizare: ba da!
Am crezut că îmi scot creierii din mucezeală, dar de fapt mă enervai întrucâtva urmărind o așa-zisă provocare a unei profe de mate pe care Prelipceanu i-a prezentat-o lui Nicușor…
The extra information meant he didn’t know she didn’t know…
Alex Bellos's Monday puzzle in The Guardian online is something I once used to follow for a while, until the entire thing pissed me off too much. He's no such…
The day the Chinese puzzles took over
I'm really furious when people don't bother to look for the original source of whatever they're posting on the Internet (I feel I have a duty). I'm also angry at…