Tag archives for eurocrap
Țara tâmpiților (care suntem)
Poporul român e bolnav la cap. E futut la creier. Are o scuză că a votat prost, dar nu are o scuză că a votat atât de prost. Firește, nu…
The suicide of the car industry
After the old news that Europe’s biggest carmaker, Volkswagen, might need to close factories, cut thousands of jobs, and diminish wages, I stumbled upon a newer one: Ford said it…
Scattered thoughts about Russia and the world
Thursday, Nov. 7, has been an interesting day for those who follow the world’s politics. Somewhat surrealistic, but that’s how everything is in the last couple of years or even…
La peor gota fría (DANA) del siglo, y la mayor incompetencia
I tend to get easily revolted, which means I never truly learn from getting older. But I want to express my indignation and frustration regarding the outcome of the recent…
Les squatteurs et la loi qui les protège
Il y a six semaines, j'avais écrit ce billet : I wish I weren’t born in Europe. Ce faisant, j'ai oublié de mentionner le squat, sauf dans un commentaire pour un…
Moldova și UE: un Zugzwang de mai mare plânsul (cu un adaos)
Mi-e cam lene să gândesc în altă limbă când e vorba de o chestiune româno-moldovenească, astfel că voi comenta în limba carpato-danubiano-pontică pe tema referendumului câștigat „la mustață” de pro-europenii…
Quick weather update
I am waiting to be told how catastrophic floods like the ones currently in force in Europe will disappear if we all just buy electric cars and give up the…
I wish I weren’t born in Europe
This is just a bit of venting, but also a measure of the exasperation I experience: life in Europe is more and more of a dystopia. I wish this nightmare…
On the European subordination to the American liquefied natural gas
Based on an idea of Margaret Thatcher, the European Commission started to implement a strong policy of liberalization of the European energy markets, including the separation of supply and production…
Corupția structurală regionalizată a Uniunii Europene
Când sunt deprimat, nu mai suport imbecilitatea planetară, și nici tâmpenia incredibilă la care a ajuns Eurocrația, și odată cu ea, noi toți. Dacă nu știați că fondurile Regio „Instrumente…
Forget about the EVs, here’s how the EU will save the whales
If anyone still needed a proof that the Eurocrats and the Green Nazis are the most patent retards the humankind has ever seen (except maybe for the State of California,…