42: Swimming into brainwashing and burnout
It was by pure chance that I learned of the existence of the network of tuition-free computer science schools called “42”: “There are 15,000 students, studying at 40+ campuses in 25+ countries all over the world.”
I was browsing the printed edition of DM’s alverde-Magazin for April 2022 (PDF), only to find this article that has nothing to do with what this waste of paper is usually about:

“Learning by doing: Programmieren.” Nice. I see they’re focusing on women. Good. They want to prevent them having children, which is an ecological idea. But what is 42heilbronn.de, in English or in German?
Enter Xavier Niel (FR, EN), a French billionaire businessman I never heard of, although I knew of Iliad S.A., owner of the Free ISP. This French oligarch (the French Wikipedia page is much more detailed than the English one) is probably a complete jerk (like all people who are obscenely rich; in his case, he’s rather modest with his US$10.5 billion in August 2021), but he founded Les écoles 42 (the 42 School) and the business incubator for startups called “Station F” (FR, EN).
Now, the concept of the “business incubator” is already a crappy thing meant for idiots, especially as most of today’s startups are as harmful as the cryptoshit and the metaverse, but this planet seems keen to waste most of its creative energy on things that will only make the psychiatrists and the Big Pharma happy.
Moreover, the French cannot use terms such as “technology center” or “technology campus” when they can borrow the idiotic term technopole, make it into either of technopôle, pôle technologique, or pôle de technologie. You see, while in France they do have private employment agencies, they cannot have a public employment service à la Jobcentre Plus in Britain; they have Pôle emploi, which since 2008 replaced the former Agence nationale pour l’emploi (ANPE). Pôle, ô, Pôle, thy name is French!
Mais passons… and back to our so-called school!
42. Why 42? This is not just The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything, it’s also a magic number used by programmers. They’re not very subtle, the bunch of them.
Founded in 2013 in Paris, the “42” Network now has 42 (magic number!) campuses across 25 (not magic) countries, and 15,000+ students. The main site follows the structure of the French one, being mostly annoying, unpractical, not that informative, and essentially fucked-up in its modernity. I could find the tidbits of information they bothered to offer much easier on the German 43heilbronn.de, in English.
From the main site:
We make digital an opportunity for all, everywhere.
42 is the first digital training center that is entirely free and available to students with or without degrees who are 18-years or older. Its teaching methods are based upon peer-to-peer learning: classless, teacherless, and participatory, 42 allows students to free their creativity through project learning.
Entirely free and open to all talents, regardless of diplomas, origin, gender and age, 42 is also an innovative social lab engaged in building the society of tomorrow, a community that we hope will be more inclusive, caring, and supportive. At the crossroads between digital, jobs, and diversity, 42 shares its innovative educational vision (peer-to-peer learning), its know-how and its values (gratuity, accessibility, neutrality, etc.) to create a global innovation hub.
Without registration or tuition fees, the selection of students is solely based on talent and motivation.
Yeah, sure. Better than Communism and Heaven, and even better than Pringles.
From the Heilbronn site’s FAQ:
With a disruptive peer-to-peer education model and philosophy, 42 has achieved great results (100% of well-employed graduates, 80% have opportunities before graduation, 30% build their own companies, 50% never coded before).
Disruptive, yes. But can you imagine someone who never wrote a line of code “building their own companies” thanks to 42?
Why are there no teachers in 42?
42 uses a project-based learning approach, in which you develop your own solutions, supported by your peers. 42 provides the learning environment, and ensures that you are making progressing along the curriculum.
This is ridiculous. You’ll see in whatever videos you’d find about “42” that the “learning environment” is a huge open space with countless Apple computers (they should have used Linux, but no, they had to make Apple rich), and on-line tutorials, assignments, and projects. The only reason this kind of courses and tasks and projects and whatnot cannot be performed from one’s home is, beyond the hardware, the fact that they want you to interact with your peers. Oh, the nice kindergarten! “Supported by your peers”? But we all know that in IT, people tend to be into the autism spectrum, more like Greta Thunberg than like Vladimir Putin, but still. “Why having teachers when you have peers?” is more like “Why having people who know what they’re doing when you can have fellow nincompoops?”
What is peer-to-peer learning?
Peer-to-peer learning is an education model where students learn from each other instead of learning from an appointed teacher. It emphasizes critical thinking, teamwork and communication. Students also evaluate each other and learn from explaining to peers.
Peer-to-peer learning is crap. People cannot be forced to be sociable, they cannot be forced to desperately try to make friends in order to be able to fucking obtain from fellow idiots (“peers”) the information and the help that the tutorials and the online courses programmatically refuse to include! It’s a paradox: the more the society creates asocial, agoraphobic, autistic people, the more the teaching process is “decentralized” and moved from textbooks and teachers to “peers”!
Who will assess the quality of my projects?
The projects will be evaluated by your fellow students using guidelines from 42. You will learn how to deliver and receive ‘code reviews’, feedback on the software that you develop.
This is even more ridiculous. OK, it’s free and funded in a charitable way, but how can a fellow “student” who knows shit assess someone else’s work?!
What language is used at 42 Heilbronn?
All of 42’s content and projects are available in English. English is an important language to be able to thrive in the digital world and we want our students to think globally. At 42 Heilbronn we use English as our common basic language to enable non-German speakers to participate and contribute and to empower German speakers to work internationally.
Yes. No. English is only the language of the written tutorials and assignments. Otherwise, the students will interact with one another in French in France, in German in Germany, and so on. They’re free to do so, as there are no teachers, supervisors, or the like.
Why would students choose 42 over traditional university or college?
42 Heilbronn offers a program that is 100% practical and focused on coding. You’ll work in teams and write code every day. In a study conducted by ‘Stack Overflow’, 54% of software engineering (“Informatik”) graduates rated their study-content as outdated, and that self study is required to be able to start a career in coding. At 42, students are immediately learning the principles of coding, while content is being updated on a regular basis. During the specialization phase of your studies, you are exposed to fresh, practical projects (AI, app development, operating systems, security), which allows you to build a portfolio of your work in advance of a job interview.
Bullshit. When “self study is required to be able to start a career in coding,” guess what? There are plenty of truly self-study solutions that are tried and tested, and using lecturers, such as: Stackskills, Skillshare, edX, Coursera, Khan Academy, Udacity, Udemy, Pluralsight, Class Central, and more (there are even YouTube channels that offer some free courses, then one can pay to proceed further in a different environment: NetworkChuck, TechWorld with Nana, freeCodeCamp.org, Amigoscode, Academind, etc). Some are free or partially free, some are (very) expensive, but not as expensive as physically attending a University. And they can be done at home!
What are the main differences between 42 and a coding bootcamp?
The 42 program is 100% free. It teaches the foundations of coding, and does not focus on a specific language or operating system. Above all, you learn how to learn.
Ah, coding bootcamps, hackathons and shit. They should be forbidden by law, because they require the participants to code more than 24 hours in a row, thus being physically challenging (more challenging than the French Legion!), and unhealthy for one’s eyesight, mental sanity, digestion, etc. People eat crap, they don’t sleep properly, their hygiene during a coding bootcamp is that of a skunk, and all that for what? Are they in a country at war with Russia? Why the torture then?
Is it possible to attend the curriculum online?
42 Heilbronn is an on-site program. It is an essential component of the community-based learning model of 42. During the pandemic, we are following strict, public protocol, which allows to offer studying on-site. However, if authorities call for a full lockdown, we have the technical means to shift to support hybrid or remote learning.
Nay. As I said, those nice Apple computers have to have a raison d’être. And you have to be friends with your fellow “students”…
Do I have to move to Heilbronn?
The program is on-site. So living in or close to Heilbronn may be helpful. We can support you with information on housing, and we also provide discounts for some housing options. For the time of the Piscine we offer subsidized prices for the nearby youth hostel.
Of course you have to. It’s just like a University campus, minus the teachers (or professors, in languages in which this is not an academic title), and minus the taxes.
Enter the Piscine, meaning the Pool! Somewhat like in the French Foreign Legion, admission in the “42” Gulag is a bit kinky. It goes the same everywhere, but I’ll keep quoting from the Heilbronn site (much cleaner):
To join 42 Heilbronn as a student there are 3 important steps in the admission process:
■ Online logic games (duration 2h):
Play two logic games that show us if you are eligible for becoming a 42 student.■ Introduction (duration 1h):
Online meeting where we explain the program in detail incl. a Q&A.■ Piscine (duration 4 weeks):
4-week selection where you learn to code entirely from scratch.

La Piscine is a bit like the French Foreign Legion’s first 2 weeks: you’re supposed to learn something from scratch, but many if not most candidates cannot cope with the physical and psychological requirements. While La Légion étrangère is something very tough, its members are not as specialized as SAS, DELTA FORCE, or SEAL TEAMS. They excel in small unit tactics, physical fitness, and discipline, but the legionnaires are not allowed to think. Also, as a French colonel said, “the people that join the French Foreign Legion are usually less than stellar example of citizens. They either have little education or are borderline sociopaths. They need to be managed with a firm grip, or they run around doing their own thing.” Apparently, knowing that the best computer programmers are borderline sociopaths, and that their general education, especially in the humanities (history, philosophy, languages and literatures, arts, cultural studies) tends to be lacking, they need to be managed in a tough environment, being it La Piscine, hackathons, or coding bootcamps! (They will however completely lack the discipline and even the hygiene specific to the legionnaires.) This is not the Diogenes Club, alright.
In the end, the graduates from “42” will have another thing in common with the legionnaires: they will have acquired very specific skills, but by no means comprehensive. It’s as if they are not allowed to think. The “42 network” creates coders, not programmers. Coders, not software developers or software engineers. Coders, not system architects.
What can we find about la Piscine? Well, officially, not much on the main or on the French website, but on 42 Heilbronn, this:
The idea is that everyone learns how to swim by immediately jumping into the water. We believe it’s the same when you start programming. During the Piscine, candidates will dive into the world of coding.
It is an immersive program with the mission to bring you, together with about 150 other candidates to spend 4 weeks, seven days a week, day and night (including weekends) coding your heart out.
There is no way to prepare for a Piscine. We only recommend that you get plenty of rest beforehand and be ready to interact and learn a lot!
From the FAQ:
The Piscine is a four week long trial period. During the Piscine, you will discover the basics of coding from scratch. No prerequisites of any kind are needed: no previous degrees, no coding experience. This period will be very intensive and requires commitment. There is no fixed amount of applicants to be selected. This means there is no competition between applicants and anyone can be selected.
And yet, other sources suggest that generally only about 10% of the applicants are selected! So there is a competition, you liars!
During your Piscine, it is not possible to work or spend a lot of time on other commitments. You will spend an average of 60 hours per week in the Piscine, learning and working on exercises.
We’ll get back to those 60 hours a week later.
If you don’t pass the Piscine, you can apply one final time in any 42 school worldwide after one year (365 days). If you do not pass the Piscine, do not be discouraged – there are many other ways to learn coding.
The French site said 300 days, not 365, so that one can join the next year’s Piscine, but either way, one can try to pass the Piscine only twice in a lifetime!
More about la Piscine. They say it was inspired by EPITECH (L’école pour l’informatique et les nouvelles technologies, in English “the Paris Graduate School of Digital Innovation” and formerly “the European Institute of Information Technology”), whose Wikipedia page states:
La pédagogie repose sur l’autoformation, l’encadrement est fait par des étudiants en cours et en fin de formation. Une période de codage intensif nommée la « piscine » peut conduire les moins motivés à abandonner. Principalement centrée sur l’apprentissage de l’informatique, les autres matières telles que la physique, ou les humanités ne sont pas abordées pendant les études.
Useful idiots, this is what the EPITECH creates! The sources used by Wikipedia:
- Le Figaro, « Des méthodes inspirées de l’armée pour sélectionner les étudiants »
- Le Monde.fr, 11 janvier 2017, vidéo, « Malgré mes mauvaises notes en maths, j’ai intégré une école d’informatique »
Le Figaro (apparently, it’s not just EPITECH that uses la Piscine, but also EPITA):
Tous les jours, parfois jusqu’à 80 heures par semaine, ils doivent apprendre à travailler en équipe, à fournir des devoirs quotidiens à la première heure et à écoper de flopées de mauvaises notes.
L’emploi du temps est extrêmement chargé. «Il y a des projets à réaliser durant la nuit avec un rendu avant 6 heures du matin le tout durant deux semaines. Ces exercices sont ensuite notés par des machines ne tolérant aucune erreur. Un espace en trop à la fin d’une ligne en sortie de programme et c’est 0», raconte Thibault, ancien d’Epita. Les moments de répit sont rares. «Le soir, côté ambiance, on est plus du tout en cours, on peut se déplacer, parler, il y a même une salle avec des enceintes qui diffusent de la musique pour laquelle votent les étudiants sur l’intranet», raconte Yohan, promo Epita 2013.
Durant cette drôle de période, «on dort sur place, il y a des pleurs, des moments de panique, mais personne n’est humilié. On peut demander de l’aide», raconte Thibault. «Il faut s’entre-aider et bosser en équipe avec les autres nageurs. Dénoncer un copain est toujours sanctionné», explique Arnaud. Et l’esprit de groupe forgé dans cette épreuve perdure. «Plusieurs d’entre nous retournent à l’école pour donner un coup de main aux profs et élèves pendant la piscine», raconte Thibault.
À l’Epitech et l’Epita, la «piscine» est une mode de sélection naturelle. Les moins motivés renoncent seuls, sans processus de sélection. «C’est une expérience assez dure: on manque de sommeil (…) il n’est du coup pas rare de voir des élèves abandonner, à tel point que l’école rembourse les frais tant que l’abandon a lieu durant cette période. La peur de l’échec et l’impact psychologique d’une mauvaise note font craquer les moins préparés. La triche est punie très sévèrement, par une note négative de -42!» ironise Stéphane. Dans l’école de Xavier Niel, dirigée par d’anciennes têtes d’Epitech ,le passage par la «piscine» est encore plus déterminant, puisque seul un prétendant sur quatre sera pris.
Oh, so in the “42” schools, only 25% of the applicants are selected after the Piscine! But they’re mimicking the big names, EPITECH and EPITA, so it must be right, right?
It’s not 60 hours a week, but 80 hours a week. Who needs sleep? They need to become zombies ASAP!
From Le Monde‘s video:
Dipty Chander, 4th year student at Epitech: she used to have 4/20 in maths, now she works for Microsoft. No further comments, your Honour.
Further data sources: L’Étudiant, «Le concours d’entrée de l’école 42 : “Une expérience magique et monstrueuse”»:
Les “piscineux” travaillent environ 14 heures par jour. On dort à quelques pas de nos ordis. Dès la première semaine, ce sont des centaines de candidats qui abandonnent.
Cet examen, c’est à la fois une préparation et une sélection continue. On arrive à 3.000. À la fin, 300 ou 400 d’entre nous sont pris. Mais il n’y a pas vraiment de nombre précis : l’école prend les profils qui lui conviennent.
“J’étais un peu tout seul en arrivant. On m’a donné l’exercice “Day 0”, où on nous demande des commandes en chaîne. J’ai galéré à chercher les réponses sur Internet, à demander aux voisins d’à côté…“, se souvient Gabriel. À 42, on est dans l’antre de la fameuse pédagogie pair-à-pair (peer-to-peer). Comprendre : plus besoin de professeurs ou d’équipe pédagogique. Le savoir se trouve par soi-même, sur Internet ou avec ses camarades de classes.
So you depend on your friendly “neighbors”… or you have to be on your own. Then, why not following an individual study altogether? Why introducing the “soft skills” as part of the ability to learn? Because if Google is your friend, well, then 42 is a piece of shit!
Le rythme s’accélère : au “Day 9”, il faut résoudre un exercice par heure pendant 24 heures.
Solving one task per hour, 24 hours in a row is exactly what I said that should be forbidden by law when I mentioned the hackathons and the coding bootcamps!
Whose interest is it to have young people with their nerves fucked up at age 30, in a total burnout, simply because when they were younger, they were forced into unhealthy behavior like galley slaves, except that their brains were overexploited, not their muscles?
From the same testimonial:
Un mois non-stop, ce tempo est assez éprouvant. “Le plus dur, c’était à la fin de la 1re semaine. Je n’avais aucune connaissance en code, je n’avais pas bien incrémenté le rythme… Je manquais tellement de sommeil que j’avais des hallucinations.”
Should I repeat myself? Oh, the translation: “At the end of the 1st week, I was so sleep-deprived that I was hallucinating.”
And the last ordeal:
Après trois semaines de sueur, arrive la dernière épreuve, appelée “BSQ”. En binôme, on y résout un long exercice de programmation ardu. “Sans équipier, ce n’est pas vraiment réalisable pour quelqu’un qui n’a jamais codé, juge Gabriel. À l’école Epitech, ils font quelque chose de similaire en un an.”
Interlude regarding the last citation from above.
OK, so that had to be done in pair, otherwise it just can’t be done. Pair programming, applied to working people, not to students, is already a humiliating concept that invades one’s privacy and is also demeaning: in no other profession is the professional only “valid” if validated by another professional; but let’s say it helps in some cases. What if the two can’t get along? Who’s going to provide each and every participant with “compatible” partners? “Tinder 42”?
I might seem paranoid, but forcing people to work in pairs during tests and examinations is profoundly unjust! It doesn’t only happen in this Piscine, it’s also used e.g. in the language examinations for higher levels (B2, C1, C2) in Germany, when people are interviewed in pairs! It’s obvious that each and every person’s abilities should be tested individually, not in groups! When paired with a moron, one’s chances decrease dramatically, and this makes the entire examination flawed!
This kind of unfairness has been invented after 1990. But we also have “affirmative action” (which is positive discrimination, meaning that the majority is discriminated against), and “gender quota systems” (in Europe, meaning that being a male makes you a victim of the quota system), and “identity quota systems” (in Canada and the US). Nightmarish concepts.
About the identity quota systems, read Why Canadian universities are blocking able-bodied white men from some positions, also here; and Jordan B. Peterson’s Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto. The “diversity, inclusion and equity” ideology, transformed into law, made the Canadian universities post job openings for which, “pursuant to Section 42 of the BC Human Rights code, the selection will be restricted to members of the following designated groups: persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, women and gender minorities (transgender, gender-fluid, nonbinary and Two-Spirit people), and racialized minorities.” So they don’t care about the skills and the expertise of a candidate, what they care about first and foremost is for them to be e.g. nonbinary!
Somewhat similarly, a Piscine is only meant for those able to aggregate and get along together, and learn like the bees in a hive or like the ants in an ant hill, just not as a person, not as an individual. Oh, and they don’t need sleep, they need to focus continuously, sometimes for 24 hours in a row. Red Bull, much? Creating heart conditions to young people because, you know, the Piscine is sooooo sexy?
But no, many people won’t understand. There are so many idiots that don’t understand that “white males need not apply” is an appalling discrimination of exactly the same kind with “whites-only”! Take this reddit thread. Count the idiots. One of the few decent people: “it certainly is in violation of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And citing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to authorize discrimination based on sex and race is quite Orwellian. And if the problem is that there are too many white men already employed at Canadian Universities, why not just fire the white men who are already there? Wouldn’t that be an immediate way to entirely solve the problem? Why discriminate against people who aren’t even at the university? … I’m suggesting that people shouldn’t be discriminated against over characteristics they can’t control.“)
But I digressed too much. One last comparison: the “team-building” activities that were so popular in literally all the companies, small and large, 15-20 years ago. I remember the episode 65 (S11E06), Days of Misrule, of the series Midsomer Murders, in which Barnaby and Jones were very reluctant to take part in a rather stupid team-building exercise. What’s wrong with such “team-building” activities? I’ll answer by another question:
How come that precisely in the times when everyone is obsessed with privacy and personal space and dignity, there’s an absurd tendency to invent such privacy-invading activities?
Not to mention that the team-building activities are using one’s time off (after work hours or during the weekend), which is so abusive that it should have been punished by law?
After decades of such abuses in the most democratic countries in the world, how could anyone care that some fucking coding school doesn’t care about the physical and mental health of its students, and is even jeopardizing them?
Not discriminating people over characteristics they can’t control also includes the non-discrimination of those who might have great brains, but not the physical stamina to provide the best of their minds 24 hours in a row or 80 hours a week! Why the marathon? Why not a sexual intercourse marathon, if this is about testing one’s physical abilities? Can they also become astronauts if they pass the Piscine?
Or maybe it’s part of the Survivor franchise, like Koh-Lanta. Err… Fort Boyard, possibly?

Three videos in the end, unfortunately (for some) in French. Chronologically:
Selected comments from the last one (translate them if needed, it’s worth the while!):
Sébastien Martin-Barbaz: Je comprends l’attrait, quand tu as du mal à te conformer à une structure d’enseignement classique, c’est probablement une opportunité en or, et une proposition hyper rare (en France). En revanche ça encourage la culture du Crunch, qui sévit dans beaucoup de domaine de la tech, et qui massacre des personnes, des carrières, des projets et des entreprises.
el tarlo: Des esclaves sur ordinateur qui s’exploitent eux-mêmes … Sans besoin de payer de profs … Incroyable !
TheOeildelinx: Alors c’est un concept intéressant, quand tu es sociable et passionné par les pc. Mais bordel, il faut pas être introverti sévère. Je trouve que c’est un peu malsain aussi, en gros les jeunes se foutent la pression tout seul sans encadrement, du coup il faut avoir des nerfs d’acier. Je trouve cela un peu dangereux bref.
ZePacky: Malheureusement, apprendre le code dans cette école ne te permet d’apprendre le raisonnement informatique. Ils sauront reproduire ce qu’ils ont fait, mais pas raisonner en cas sur quelque chose de nouveau.
abd ess: Le problème et qu’avec ça t’apprends juste à coder donc tu deviens programmeur et pas développeur.
bro baboulinou: Faut pas se leurrer, Xavier Niel veut juste créer des cohortes de salariés qui ne connaissent que le code, ont un diplôme qui vaut ce qui vaut (!=compétences), mais surtout une résilience au travail et à l’autonomie. Ce qui permet donc de les faire bosser tout seuls sans qu’ils se plaignent ni ne demande de l’aide et donc ne dérangent personne et donc sois plus productif et donc un rapport qualité prix excellent sur le marché du travail. En gros du travail sans doute de qualité sans esprit réfractaire ou critique et bien sûr comme tous les dev un melon surdimensionné (hop ça c’est gratos).
Eva nescente: C’est bien connu, le bourrage de crâne et le manque de sommeil, c’est la meilleure façon d’apprendre et ça donne…. des ouvriers à la chaîne dans la fabrication de codes. Ils seront tellement usés qu’ils n’auront plus de faire la fête, juste le temps de devenir alcoolique et dépressif. Il manque plus que la doctrine sur l’esprit de famille et l’esprit de compétition à l’américaine et on y sera.
GeckoToine: Le plus drôle c’est d’avoir des candidats qui sortent de 42, les mecs sont sur une autre planète et le retour à la réalité leur démonte le fion.
Déjà les mecs se prennent pour l’élite de la nation, aucun n’a réussi un des tests techniques que j’ai élaboré, quel que soit le sujet/langage.
Ils ont tous demandés dès salaires de sénior, j’en ai même un qui me sort «je viendrai pas en dessous de 120k€», je l’ai refoulé il est revenu en disant qu’il accepterait 60k€.
Bref, maintenant je trash les profils sortant de 42 et qui n’ont pas au moins 3 ans d’exp en entreprise. J’ai rarement vu une école «diplômer» autant de profils toxiques. C’est une dinguerie.
Alexandre V: C’est moi ou certains étudiants adorent le côté “maso” de leurs études ? Style culture de la charrette en architecture, pas de vie en médecine et là 1 mois à dépérir devant un PC… Un besoin d’appartenance à un groupe sûrement. Les psys devraient se pencher là-dessus.
Sinok Le Bienheureux: Les nouveaux ouvriers du numérique sont là !

Nono Lerobothéros: Comment ça les gens ne connaissent pas les méthodes ? Toute la com de l’école c’est justement le fait qu’il n’y a pas de méthode, les élèves se démerdent d’eux-mêmes. Sans compter tous les reportages tous les ans sur l’école qu’on se tape.
Là on nous montre ceux qui « gagne » mais on nous montre pas tous ceux qui n’arrivent pas au bout, tous ceux qui ne passent pas le test de la piscine etc. La culture du crunch et de l’anti-dépresseur. J’imagine pas l’égo surdimensionnés des élèves qui sortent de cette école.
Nono Lerobothéros: Quel cauchemar… si l’enfer existe c’est probablement ça.
charlie fulliquet: Mais ça donne envie à qui ? Ils ont tous l’air au bord de la rupture…

Romain Scorsone: n’importe quoi, en un entretien d’embauche l’employeur n’as pas le temps pour tester et mesurer l’étendue des compétences de tous les candidats. L’école et son diplôme sont des gages de qualité, et attestent que le candidat en question a suivi une formation de qualité qui lui a permis de développer les compétences demandées.
De plus, aujourd’hui, le diplôme d’ingénieurs est nettement plus valorisé que celui d’un “expert” info, car les ingénieurs sont capables de gérer des équipes, monter des projets, prendre des initiatives, contrairement aux “experts” qui ne sont que des machines à coder.
TiTuS FoX: Bof ça veut la jouer à l’américaine comme chez Google … ridicule.
Sleey: EPITECH c’est pareil aussi si vous voulez.
Paul Jullien: quelle horreur…
Pistrix3: Ok donc ils se copient les uns les autres jusqu’à arriver à un truc potable… Tu parles d’une “école”… Mais sinon les livres vous connaissez ?
MrVyseReiper: La culture du travail toxique, une définition.
Next time you’ll find the need to complain about the incredibly buggy software of our days, you’ll know why. With some exceptions, those who write the software are psychopathic incompetents.
There is even worse: Full-stack web developer in 6 months with O’clock!
It was an interesting read, but I wish French parts were translated.