After ten months of fierce fight with dozens of Linux monsters. After times when I thought I settled for Debian 10, ArcoLinux or Salient OS. After getting nuttier thanks to the pandemic. After all that and much more…

… and as explained in my previous posts, I’ve taken a major decision (predicted by some astrologers, but not by Nostradamus).

On the day of my 51st b-day, I decided this: Ubuntu MATE 21.04 is the winner! First of all, it’s MATE the winner, honestly.

It doesn’t even require further theming (save for the wallpaper, when desired), as Yaru-MATE-light (the default theme) and Yaru-MATE-dark (more “modern”) are fabulous!

Nothing is perfect in this world, so I don’t expect Ubuntu MATE to exceed my expectations, but only to meet them.

Bon. Sur ce, je vous laisse…