The Anti-Elon Musk YouTube Hero
There aren’t many people willing to attract everyone else’s bullying for not praising the fake gods of our times, of which Elon Musk and Greta Thunberg are the most prominent, but this guy just has the guts to express his countercurrent opinions.
His YouTube channel isn’t only dedicated to debunking Elon Musk’s moronic ideas, but I won’t discuss his political and philosophical stances. For the time being, I’m happy this Central European guy is expressing some courageous ideas on technical and common sense issues, although here too, the thoroughness and the rigor can be questioned at times (he’s no Wendover Productions, if you know what I mean).
Since my 2016 quick post The Hyperloop is snake oil, I didn’t mention any newer YouTube videos on the matter, so I’ll start my quick selection of Adam Something‘s videos with hypercrap and otherwise Elon Musk-related shit, in reverse chronological order:
- The HyperPort Is Dumb And Will Most Likely Explode (Jul 25, 2021)
- The Tesla Semi Is An Engineering Failure (Jul 7, 2021)
- The HYPERLOOP Will Never Work, And Here’s Why (May 7, 2021)
- The VEGAS LOOP: Just As Stupid As You Think (Jun 6, 2021)
- Elon Musk’s Starship Earth to Earth: We Have Reached Peak Idiocy (May 16, 2021)
- Elon Musk’s Dugout Loop – The Disaster That Almost Happened (Feb 22, 2021)
- Elon Musk’s Loop is a Bizarrely Stupid Idea (Feb 6, 2021)
- Electric Buses Are A Scam (Nov 27, 2021)
- Flying Cars Will Never Be A Thing, Here’s Why (Oct 6, 2021)
- The Skybus: The Transit Revolution That Never Was (Jun 24, 2021)
- Why Monorails Are A Bad Idea (Jun 12, 2021)
Only a tiny bit of urbanism:
- Commie Blocks Are Pretty Good, Actually (Nov 15, 2021)
- Why We Shouldn’t Build Skyscrapers (Jun 18, 2021)
He’s still young and there’s a lot he doesn’t know about, but it’s a good start.
LATE EDIT: In other good news, Elon Musk’s lack of common sense might strike him quite soon: Elon Musk says SpaceX could face ‘genuine risk of bankruptcy’ from Starship engine production:
What it comes down to, is that we face a genuine risk of bankruptcy if we can’t achieve a Starship flight rate of at least once every two weeks next year.
Good luck with that!
One more video by Adam Something: The Energy Vault is a Dumb Idea, Here’s Why. It’s very short, and a quick summary of a video Thunderf00t (which we first met in The Hyperloop is snake oil): Energy Vault – BUSTED!.
Apparently, everyone is a CEO these days, and they all have stupid ideas; either à la Elon Musk, or cryptoshit-style.
Remember the Transit Elevated Bus aka the straddle bus, highly praised in various videos in 2016? Wikipedia dixit:
Adam Something has… something on that issue: Why the Straddling Bus Failed.
I’m still waiting for some people to be detained “on suspicion of investment fraud” in connection to Elon Musk’s Hyperloop attempts.
Adam Something has a comeback: Hyperloop in 2023: Where Are They Now?
Two nice comments:
1. DW Planet A (a Deutsche Welle channel): Why tech billionaires suck at fixing transport
The thumbnail features Hyperloop and “Empty hype” 🙂
2. Top Luxury: What Happened to Hyperloop?
The thumbnail reads “Cancelled” 🙂
Because my post on the Hyperloop dates from 2016, I’ll post the news on this one: High-speed train company Hyperloop One shuts down:
Retards, crooks, and swindlers founded a company whose objective was obviously unrealistic (to anyone having a bit of common sense), apparently not even for cargo. Now, with the demise of Hypercrap, what will Elon’s supporters do? They will never admit they’re gullible, or stupid.
Someone in the Netherlands still believes in the hyperloop! Euronews: Commuting at 700km an hour by hyperloop takes a step closer to reality with successful test run:
Why, of course. Then, pigs would fly. Safely and using their own wings.