Don’t Look Up—This movie is meant to scare you
At first, I thought this film to be your typical American crap, especially as the cast includes too many big names. Most of them, really, weren’t necessary, but I just can’t stand Leonardo DiCaprio, so I was going to ignore it… but somehow I didn’t, and I’m glad for my decision.
No, Don’t Look Up (2021) is not a “satirical science fiction film,” nor a “comedy/disaster,” a “dramatic comedy,” or whatever stupid labels they put on it.
It’s also not a realistic movie in the positive-oriented way of Ben H. Winters’s “soft science fiction mystery novel” trilogy, The Last Policeman (2012), Countdown City (2013), World of Trouble (2014).
If it received mixed reviews, that’s only because people are stupid. 98% of them are more stupid than a dead rat.
This film is an accurate description of the generalized idiocy that conquered Planet Earth, the humankind, the social networks and, obviously, the powers that be.
It’s about a possible future that could happen anytime.
Don’t read any reviews; they’re unnecessary.
■ First, watch the trailer:
■ Then, here’s a short scene in its entirety. It’s worth watching!
■ Finally, watch Jennifer Lawrence explaining the trailer:
➡️ Now, go watch the movie!
■ Random notes:
- Try not to break the screen. I was tempted to do so more than once.
- President Janie Orlean (Meryl Streep) is horrendously stupid and cretinoid; they apparently wanted to hint towards Donald Trump (Trumpussy), but that wasn’t necessary. Jason Orlean (Jonah Hill), Chief of Staff and Janie’s son, also hints at Trump’s family.
- Sir Peter Isherwell (Mark Rylance), tech billionaire CEO of BASH, is (in my opinion) a mix of Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. It definitely hints at Peter Thiel… although I’m the only one to see it this way. Generally, the reviewers believe Peter Isherwell to be a mix of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and others; and BASH, an amalgamation of all the big tech companies.
- Timothée Chalamet was totally unnecessary.
- Cate Blanchett could have been replaced with no matter what chick.
- Jennifer Lawrence performs surprisingly well as Kate Dibiasky, despite her being rather dumb in real life.
- I could have lived without Ariana Grande.
- The “Don’t Look Up” movement hints at the COVID-19 negationists: “the comet doesn’t exist”; “they want you to look up to frighten you”; etc.
- The social networks and the incredible brainlessness of their users hint to the social networks and the incredible brainlessness of their users.
- There is a “challenge” there on the social networks… just like those moronic “challenges” we had in the last couple of years (since the 2017 Ice Bucket Challenge onwards).
They wanted to make a film that bashed the Trump administration and his fans, and they ended with a film much more encompassing than intended, a film that shows the decadence of the entire human society.
This being said, the script still suffers from the American exceptionalism, as it assumes that, if America doesn’t save the planet, no one else could.

Iată un comentariu extrem de lung și prea supărat al unui băiat care amestecă lucrurile și comentează orice altceva, numai filmul nu, DAR din care am aflat printre altele și asta: „Tesla trăiește din contracte de miliarde cu Departamentul Apărării al SUA. Lucrează la sisteme de bombardament orbital cinetic, nu numai la mașini drăguțe. E un sistem interzis prin toate convențiile internaționale și unul din motivele pentru care Putin este teribil de arțăgos de ceva vreme.”
Oricum, poate ar trebui să-i spună careva lui Dan Pavel că în discuție avem un amărât de film, nu un „Raport comun al ONU, FAO, UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNICEF, UNFP și OECD cu privire la starea lumii în 2021”.
Cred că putem fi de acord, totuși, că în România o astfel de cometă ar fi declarată neconstituțională.
The comet can come, we’re ready for it. Kristin Livdahl (@klivdahl):
Cool, thank you Alexa. I’m going to launch this challenge on TikTok right now…
Speaking of the reviews: Critics of “Don’t Look Up” Are Missing the Entire Point (Current Affairs).
Indeed, NYT (“frantic, strident, and obvious. McKay’s touch here is considerably blunter and less productive than it has been in a while”), WSJ (“A slapdash, scattershot sendup that turns almost everyone into nincompoops, trivializes everything it touches, oozes with self-delight, and becomes part of the babble and yammer it portrays… This might have been great fun if it had been executed with some respect for our intelligence, and for the power of sharpshooting satire, rather than glib nihilism”), and (“A disastrous movie, “Don’t Look Up” shows McKay as the most out of touch he’s ever been with what is clever, or how to get his audience to care… “Don’t Look Up” thinks it’s pushing many savvy political buttons, when it’s only pointing out the obvious and the easy, over and over.”), had the most idiotic possible reviews! Rolling Stones is somewhat ambivalent, managing to say some truths (“We are a dumb, doomed species, too perpetually distracted and misinformed and gullible to endure. The world will end not with a bang, but with a meme and some lolz and way more concern with what pop star broke up with which D.J. than our own survival.”)
Make sure you don’t read the NYT and the WSJ ever again! Also, since Robert Ebert is dead, why would you read a stupid website with retarded editors?
From the article in Current Affairs:
Well, I tend to disagree. People are sheeple. They are idiots. It’s impossible to have any faith in humanity once you see the world we’re living in.
But we could at least hope that, before the comet comes, everyone will have discovered their real gender (which is non-binary), that they’d have performed their sex-changing and gender-modeling surgery and hormone treatment, that they’d have replaced all vehicles with electric ones, and that they’d have erased the entire history, because it’s racist and full of toxic masculinity.
Once this is done, we should make sure that the comet doesn’t miss its target.
I forgot to add that the director, writer, and producer of this film, Adam McKay, insists that it’s about climate change, which it obviously isn’t!
Mie mi s-a părut că tech-mogulul ăla e copiat după Craig Federighi de la Apple. Cel puțin fizic e aproape identic. Și are și ceva tușe de comportament.
Fizic, nu zic nu. Dar așa cum președinta se voia un fel de Trump femeie, așa și handicapatul ăsta, zic eu, se voia un fel de Thiel, dar cu moacă de Federighi sau Cook, căci Thiel + Trump = love.