Tag archives for Linux - Page 2
What you need to know when using my custom AlmaLinux 9.4 KDE ISO
In the post about my Custom AlmaLinux KDE Live ISO, I mentioned the differences compared to the official KDE Live ISO. Still, I feel that I need to underscore at…
A random discovery about zypper, thanks to rpm and a deb package
It happens to me to discover some quirks and facts by accident. Today, something that made me question the design of zypper, a crucial openSUSE tool! Here's the full story,…
Microsoft + CloudStrike = Death
The culprit for the current global Windows outage that affected banks, airlines, hospitals, and many other services and industries since the early morning of Friday, July 19, CrowdStrike's Falcon Sensor,…
Is openSUSE at crossroads?
Just when I thought that openSUSE was free from stupid corporate decisions, their main sponsor, SUSE , came with a strange request: openSUSE should “stop using the SUSE brand”! WTF…
The dead and the reborn BSDs — now updated + Chimera Linux!
The BSDs, especially FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, are far from being dead. The problem is that they never targeted the desktop users, especially not the laptop users. Here's what…
I’d kill the entire Linux kernel team!
While being busy testing all the distros on the mini-PC and on the newer laptop, I forgot to properly test them on the old one. It's from 2016, with a…
SJVN made my day!
Please excuse the thumbnail for this post. I just couldn't use anything else, in the light of having read SJVN's latest article in The Reg. I also cannot quote from…
The shortest distro bashing and appraisal in a long while—now with added Dedoimedo!
Not long ago, I tentatively said that “I will keep using AlmaLinux with KDE on the mini-PC and on the newest laptop, at least for some time” and “For the…
Is systemd cancer? A reignited debate
I thought it's going to be a slow, uneventful Monday. As it turned out, I had a lot to read. It all started from the first comment of today's DWW.…
KDE5, KDE6, tiling and other rants
To some extent, this is a sort of follow-up to the previous extra-long feature Epic disappointments with Linux (not for the mentally retarded), which proved to be too complex a…
SPECIAL: Epic disappointments with Linux (not for the mentally retarded)
In the last year and half, I thought I could stop the distro-hopping, but very recently it turned out it wasn't the case. Since there are criteria and thoughts about…
Custom AlmaLinux 9.4 KDE Live ISO
Six months ago, I was Introducing an installable custom KDE Live ISO based on AlmaLinux with kernel from ELRepo. Today, I have to announce the version, which brings an important…
Open-source software: the road to hell?
I'm hyperbolizing, but still. Open source was supposed to be the best possible software development model. Even those not into the GPL vs BSD war, or more generally, the copyleft…
Et tu, KDE? Vulnerable by design?
I never thought I'd discover such a stupid design decision in KDE. I didn't even learn about it on Planet KDE, but on KDE's Facebook public group, which I joined…
No kernel update is safe in Linux, not even an LTS one
Lately, all sorts of Linux-related sites have oohed and aahed (they more liked whined, actually) regarding a bug in kernel LTS. The bug has been reported by Debian, but it's…
How to stop the blurring of KDE’s logout/shutdown and lock screens
Voltaire's La Bégueule (1772) begins thus: “Dans ses écrits un sage Italien / Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.” (The better is the enemy of the good.) Previously,…
Introducing an installable custom KDE Live ISO based on AlmaLinux 9.3 with kernel 6.1 from ELRepo
A bit of context: Notwithstanding the Red Hat scandal, it just so happened that, after having used several other distros on my 2021 HP ProDesk 400 G6 Desktop Mini PC…
Vremea laptop-urilor și upgrade-urilor ieftine
În momentul în care mi se semnalase știrea potrivit căreia cererea slabă de PC-uri și tablete forțează companiile să reducă prețurile, eu tocmai profitasem, zic eu, de acest fenomen. Și…
Hibernation in Manjaro—For the Lucky Ones
Hibernation in Linux is for many years already no longer a priority for distro maintainers, kernel maintainers, video driver maintainers, and so on. Currently, the only distro that explicitly supports…
5 months into Manjaro: harmless yet unacceptable breakage
I installed Manjaro XFCE on my new HP ProDesk 400 G6 Desktop Mini PC on March 14, and it worked flawlessly and without any incident until today, August 25, when…