Ce este azi România? O hazna, un exemplu tragic de retard mental absolut
O postare în română, într-o zi în care am fost debordat de idioțenia conaționalilor mei. Întreaga planetă este într-o degringoladă majoră, toți retardații Pământului fie sunt în stradă urlând aberații,…
The Climate Apocalypse 2021
With the risk of looking insensitive, I'd like to express some quick opinions of the current extreme weather condition incidents we've experienced around the globe. Climate Change or not, the…
“You can call me Scarlett”—and other idiots; plus Q&A with Professor Ludditus, and more
I really didn't want to waste my time with COVID-19 anymore, but life forced me to. New facts, and possibly new opinions. A darker future, too! The real pandemic is…
Cuba, mi amor (now in turmoil)
The day I was writing The Little Country That Could, thousands of people were in the streets of San Antonio de los Baños (near Havana), Alquízar, Guanajay and Güira de…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 7: Just some thoughts…
...based on the reading of the latest DistroWatch Weekly issue, namely DWW Issue 925: Linux Mint : the Beta already was solid. I checked again all the flavors (I've put…
No, the label Champagne hasn’t been confiscated by Russia!
From now on, I guess I'd prefer the Russian propaganda and check their claims rather than assuming that the Western disinformation is anything but a too hot Cold War. Vladimir…
The Little Country That Could
Cuba's COVID-19 saga wasn't much touted, because, what the hell, who cares about a Communist relic, and what could they be able to accomplish? In truth, the current epidemiological situation…
China Strikes Back!
One month after we thought we have The Freedom to Blame China, some “objective journalists” try to make us return to the belief that, bats being bats, it's much more…
CA, ÎCCJ, CCR: Acronimele mafiei române
Mi-am promis că nu mai scriu nimic în românește sau despre România, pentru că și așa doar boții de indexare ce mă mai citesc. Voi face o excepție azi, pentru…
Should anyone really want to use Win11?
There were many heated discussions regarding Windows 11, especially as it included a limited set of supported CPUs (post-2017, basically) and it seems to mandate either TPM or (I'm not…
Patents Kill Patients (But Stupidity Kills Too)
No, this isn't about the “people in India wouldn't die if patents on vaccines were waived” mantra we discussed in great detail in a previous post (in sections NINETEEN, THIRTY-TWO,…
Linus 1, Anti-Vaxxers 0
There are issues on which I agree with Linus Torvalds, issues on which I have a different opinion than his, and issues I couldn't care less about. Here's one instance…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 6: The death of the scrollbar
Only an idiot would need proofs of the utmost idiocy that infested every single UI concept of the last ~10 years, but "the case of the missing scrollbars" needs a…
Everyone nowadays seems to be a fake expert
This pandemic revealed that many if not most “experts” in the fields of epidemiology, virology, public health, pharmacology, medicine are not much better than the snake oil salesmen from the…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 5: The gaiety of having the choice
As I mentioned recently, I don't recommend any Linux distro specifically, because someone's preferences are determined by their hardware and software needs, their tastes regarding UX or ergonomics, and other…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 4: NOT trying Rocky Linux, after all
That's the quickest one: despite being enticed by Dedoimedo's articles (1·Rocky Linux 8 - Phoenix Tux; 2·Rocky Linux 8 & how to get better font clarity; 3·How to turn Rocky…
The Alphabet of Our Death
No, it's not Alphabet Inc., the artificial superclass for Google, but the Greek Alphabet, which currently got incremented to Delta, the name of the Indian variant. Other variants are warming…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 3: The Mint 20.2 Beta Triptych
This shouldn't be interpreted as if I'd suggest, support, or recommend any flavor of Linux Mint. Based on how things are in Linux in the last 15 of its 30…
Half-Truths, Lies, Incompetence and Idiocy Continue to Prevent a True Debate on Vaccines
I'm so sick of the way the anti-vaxxers have hijacked most websites, social networks, forums, even some major news outlets, that I believe the world has irremediably gone beyond Idiocracy.…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 2: Subpixel idiocy
Dedoimedo is the only guy in the known Universe who's pickier than I, and who constantly complains about the lack of contrast, the 1-pixel misalignment, and any other similar usability…