Answering to anti-establishment people on Ukraine
I know that most people in Europe are fed up with the war in Ukraine; that many of them believe that the high energy prices and the inflation are exclusively…
This is how I fell out of love with Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis, together with DiEM25 and MERA25 activists, recently took part in an anti-war rally in Munich, Germany. This speech is likely to have taken place on February 17, 2024:…
Idei pe marginea cumpărării unei mașini: aspecte financiare
Această postare a apărut inițial pe Facebook, unde oricum nu sunt citit de nimeni, cum nu sunt citit nici aici. Dar nu contează, hai să mă repet și aici. Iată…
Jessie Inchauspé, the self-made wannabe goddess
Wikipedia: “Jessie Inchauspé, also known as Glucose Goddess, is a French bio-chemist and New York Times bestselling author. Her books contain controversial claims promoting techniques designed to manage blood sugar…
I decided to ignore the upcoming Apocalypse—life is too short as it is
This is not the first time I promise myself to stop writing about politics and whatever I believe to be completely wrong in the society. This time, I hope, I'll…
Il gattopardo azzurro: How I discovered Evgeni Gordiets
The only time I posted about a painter, it was in Philippe Charles Jacquet: The Better Maestro of Solitude, where I also mentioned Giorgio de Chirico and Edward Hopper as…
Yoga, 4-6, 4-7-8 and 4-8 Breathing, and the retarded Dr. Weil
Breathing is something we don't properly do anymore, even as it's crucial to keep being alive. Modern life has made us unable to even breathe correctly! The ancient philosophy of…
Israel’s Defense at the International Court of Justice is Disgusting
South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice is, without any doubt, not a sincere one. South Africa has its own domestic issues, and it's siding with…
No kernel update is safe in Linux, not even an LTS one
Lately, all sorts of Linux-related sites have oohed and aahed (they more liked whined, actually) regarding a bug in kernel LTS. The bug has been reported by Debian, but it's…
Is an armistice in Ukraine still possible?
If you’ve been following the news from Ukraine, the situation sucks big time: Zelenskiy bypasses General Zaluzhnyi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, by contacting his subordinates directly,…
How to stop the blurring of KDE’s logout/shutdown and lock screens
Voltaire's La Bégueule (1772) begins thus: “Dans ses écrits un sage Italien / Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.” (The better is the enemy of the good.) Previously,…
Introducing an installable custom KDE Live ISO based on AlmaLinux 9.3 with kernel 6.1 from ELRepo
A bit of context: Notwithstanding the Red Hat scandal, it just so happened that, after having used several other distros on my 2021 HP ProDesk 400 G6 Desktop Mini PC…
The Human Shield mantra about Gaza
If you look at my posts tagged Israel, you'll notice how my stance has gradually changed in these 6 weeks of war in Gaza. To explain it, I'll quote a…
Încă un fals martir (și sfânt!) al neamului românesc!
Dacă tot îl urmăresc ocazional pe hiperactivul și narcisistul Sabin Gherman, și dacă tot l-am auzit tunând și fulgerând pentru a enșpea oară împotriva tuturor religiilor și zeilor, ocazie cu…
Les Français et les Suisses, parmi les plus débiles Européens
L'énigme L'autre jour, ou plus exactement le 8 novembre, sur le groupe FB Les Amis de la bande dessinée, le groupe !, Jean Brouillard publie l'épisode « Jean Richard enquête » paru dans…
Some more thoughts about Palestine
Analysts, journalists, TV hosts, almost everyone mainstream in Europe has now decided that whoever objects to Israel's indiscriminate bombing of Gaza must be an adept of one or more of…
I can hear the sound of money
I hate writing so negatively about so many things, but it just so happens that people are stupid, evil, or both. In this particular case it's about health, patents, slowness…
Ce nu știați despre aparatele digitale de măsurat tensiunea (și nici despre Huawei)
Sfigmomanometre se cheamă ele de fel, dar cine dracu le mai zice așa? Oricum, dacă tot mă găsesc în patrie, și tot voi da exemple concrete cu relevanță națională, m-am…
For the last time, this is not about Hamas!
Lately, the mass-media insists on the huge wealth accumulated by top Hamas leaders living outside Gaza: Ismail Haniyeh $4 billion, Khaled Mashal $4 billion, Abu Marzuk $3 billion, according to…
Corupția structurală regionalizată a Uniunii Europene
Când sunt deprimat, nu mai suport imbecilitatea planetară, și nici tâmpenia incredibilă la care a ajuns Eurocrația, și odată cu ea, noi toți. Dacă nu știați că fondurile Regio „Instrumente…