Firefox Destupidification, Take #1
Have you ever noticed that sometimes Firefox saves the image files as WEBP, even when that image has the extension JPG? Well, that's stupid, but you can change that. Using…
The “joys” of systemd in Fedora XFCE
No, I am not part of the religious “systemd is evil” war. I won't be using Devuan, and the fact that MX Linux defaults to sysvinit is actually a disadvantage…
The dumbification of package management in Linux
This was bound to happen. When a bunch of smart idiots (sic!), and all kinds of narcissistic, arrogant YouTube icons and influencers are more important than the other people, this…
On Twitter, one must be woke, internationalist and obedient—or suspended!
The fucking retards did it again. Some fucktards, after calling me names (I blocked them, but of course I didn't report them!), as good neo-marxists and snitches, have reported a…
Hibernation, ZRAM and mental retardation in Linux
Since I was using almost exclusively laptops since 2001, I failed to notice that in Linux, suspend-to-disk (hibernation) lost momentum, as everyone is using suspend-to-RAM (sleep). This is a huge…
COVID-19 Report #29: The Sonderbehandlung that won’t be (or will it?)
Continuing from the previous installment, I can't say I'm surprised by the latest news. To cope with the Fourth Wave, "ministers in Northern Ireland have voted to introduce mandatory Covid…
Brave: the browser loved by idiots, morons, and cryptofuckers
When I first met the browser Brave, I thought it to be a Chinese app. With such a name and such a logo, what was I to believe? It wasn't…
COVID-19 Report #28: The Average IQ Keeps Falling
There is no way “the new normality” would ever resemble anything close to the idea of normality, but if worse comes to worst, it's all the fault of the idiots,…
The Ongoing Cyberwar Nobody Talks About
No, this is not about the overall increase in malware and ransomware attacks we're witnessing on in recent years. It's about something that I believe has happened in the last…
Hating Wes Anderson with gusto
Wes Anderson is likely to be a genius, which is probably why I hate him so much. Or maybe The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) is what made me a h8r:…
Adventures in Linux Ep. 8: Lubuntu, Fedora 35, and more
I procrastinate a lot (good to know I'm a pro at something), but after a couple of weeks of pondering, here I am, trying to recall and report my recent…
Trying to understand the bullshit
It's not a secret that I'm strongly against Bitcoin (I even believe cryptocurrencies at large are one of the major evils of this century), and I even disapprove of the…
COVID-19 Report #27: Tot în România
Ca și în cazul postării precedente, nu aș fi vrut să mai scriu despre românii tâmpiți, căci sunt sătul de proștii de pretutindeni. Dar zilele trecute m-am enervat pe neamul…
COVID-19 Report #26: The Covidiots are still strong
Writing again about COVID-19 was the last thing I wanted to do, but the widespread stupidity regarding the matter made me do it, being it only succinctly (or I hope…
Instead of a smartwatch
Some people use their smartphone to check the time. Other people use smart Apple/Samsung/Huawei watches. I preferred to spend about €109 on an automatic Orient TriStar RA-AB0020S19B. 18 days later,…
Do they want me to stop using computers altogether?
In the long run, we're all dead. Meanwhile, can we still enjoy life and computers, or should we bend to the new religions, including the containerization of everything? Containers might…
Biserica, românul, vaccinul: sutana sub care s-a ascuns diavolul
Cele mai recente două postări, întâmplările ulterioare, precum și unele reacții, nu m-au convins că românii ar fi altceva decât o specie modernă de pitecantropi, dar mi-am zis să mai…
Referendum: un fiasco al TVR
Am aflat întâmplător despre noua idee (proastă) a TVR1: noua emisiune REFERENDUM, cu prima ediție pe 11 octombrie, difuzată simultan pe TVR1, TVR Internațional și TVR Moldova, precum și pe…
Românii vs. COVID-19: note de front inutile
Timpul ne arată că imbecilitatea semenilor noștri este nemărginită și se auto-depășește ori, cum s-ar fi spus în alte vremuri, a atins noi și noi culmi de progres și civilizație.…
SPECIAL: You Don’t Even Know How Terrible Your Linux Distro Is!
Long time no see, so I'm going to synthesize here the experiences and the epiphanies I had with Linux in the last couple of months. You should be at least…