I wish I weren’t born in Europe
This is just a bit of venting, but also a measure of the exasperation I experience: life in Europe is more and more of a dystopia. I wish this nightmare…
Nu, Nicușor Dan nu a rezolvat problema de clasa a patra! Actualizare: ba da!
Am crezut că îmi scot creierii din mucezeală, dar de fapt mă enervai întrucâtva urmărind o așa-zisă provocare a unei profe de mate pe care Prelipceanu i-a prezentat-o lui Nicușor…
It’s time I said something against Ukraine (another long read)
Just because the Ukrainians are victims doesn't make them always right. Just because Zelenskyy has proven to be a surprisingly strong leader doesn't mean he never makes any mistakes. Just…
Pavel Durov: criminal, martyr, or double agent?
The current affair of Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, is stinking big time. This case is absolutely baffling, and I don't trust in the least what the French authorities…
UEFI was already broken, but Microsoft perfected the breakage
I'm fundamentally against UEFI, against Secure Boot, against encrypted partitions and against a number of other modern obsessions. But let's talk a bit about the way Microsoft recently broke GRUB.…
Is it IONOS, is it InnoDB, or is it me?
When I moved my WordPress blog to IONOS end-2022, I was relatively satisfied, despite a bumpy start. The previous hosting was using an older MySQL, the DB was exported as…
Bypass Paywalls will never die
As part of the August 23 edition of the Risky Biz News newsletter, came this news: Bypass Paywalls Clean removed: The News Media Alliance has filed a DMCA takedown notice…
The HARM mobile architecture
The ARM architecture is the future, they say. It's mostly that CISC is inefficient, and RISC lives a new life, especially since Apple’s M1 CPU. Back in the day, at…
Le dernier des grands
C'est la traduction en français du billet que j'ai mis sur Facebook ce matin, en commentaire à l'article du Figaro, Alain Delon, la légende du cinéma, est mort. Les chaînes…
How Webcamoid laid bare the disaster that is the Linux kernel
I noticed this behavior of Webcamoid while I was testing the latest Ubuntu MATE , and I mentioned it here. At the time, I thought that the app was broken.…
Glorifying the uselessness: Oreon
Why are some people so keen to write or to make videos about almost nothing? Much Ado About Oreon. It's summer time. Slow news. Nothing spectacular happens if not for…
The little DLL that broke Windows 7 (on purpose)
People stopped using Windows 7 not because Microsoft ceased offering security updates; they had to do it because more and more programs that they needed suddenly started to require “Windows…
Security is a joke. Networking is a joke. Experts are a joke.
I'm so tired of reading all the time about IT security issues. The tissue of our society, which is networked computing, is a Gruyère cheese; it's Achilles' heel. When it…
How to lose even when you’re right
The populace is stupid and superficial by definition. I'm not sure if 98% of people are the basis of Idiocracy, or whether would be a more accurate assessment. To the…
What you need to know when using my custom AlmaLinux 9.4 KDE ISO
In the post about my Custom AlmaLinux KDE Live ISO, I mentioned the differences compared to the official KDE Live ISO. Still, I feel that I need to underscore at…
A random discovery about zypper, thanks to rpm and a deb package
It happens to me to discover some quirks and facts by accident. Today, something that made me question the design of zypper, a crucial openSUSE tool! Here's the full story,…
Microsoft + CloudStrike = Death
The culprit for the current global Windows outage that affected banks, airlines, hospitals, and many other services and industries since the early morning of Friday, July 19, CrowdStrike's Falcon Sensor,…
Is openSUSE at crossroads?
Just when I thought that openSUSE was free from stupid corporate decisions, their main sponsor, SUSE , came with a strange request: openSUSE should “stop using the SUSE brand”! WTF…
One more reason I was happier with MS-DOS and Windows 3.1
Not because I was younger. Not because of the simplicity of both DOS and 16-bit Windows. Not because I loved a lot Borland's IDEs, with their ncurses-like Turbo Vision UI,…
The dead and the reborn BSDs — now updated + Chimera Linux!
The BSDs, especially FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, are far from being dead. The problem is that they never targeted the desktop users, especially not the laptop users. Here's what…