Yanis and the Enchanted Cloud
I was rather busy and downcast for quite a long time, so was not very familiar with this Technofeudalism theory promoted by Yanis Varoufakis since 2021. Now that he finally…
I’m not sure I believe in the two-state solution
With each day that passes, I feel less and less confident that peace could ever be achieved in the Middle East. In Israel. In the historic territory of Palestine. With…
The YouTube Apocalypse (RE-UPDATED)
YouTube started to show warnings that ad blockers are not allowed. Currently, in some cases, this shit can be dismissed, and the video will keep playing. This is my case;…
Middle East’s Borders Led to Wars
Funny thing (if there are still things that can be funny these days), I just ran over a YouTube video posted on June 18, “Why the Middle East’s Borders Guarantee…
Hamas is Not Palestine
I am not a beast, and I don't unconditionally support neither the entirety of the external policy of the United States, nor the internal policies of the state of Israel.…
Gaza is Hamas
This is a translation of a text I posted on Facebook, to which I added a few images. It's difficult and useless to comment on the current situation in Israel,…
Chess and Go channels on YouTube
I have over 200 text files with a choice of YouTube channels on various topics, most of them with selected videos for later reference. I might never be able to…
Istorii vechi din istorie veche
Cu mai bine de o săptămână înainte de pocinogul din Israel, mi-am pierdut timpul pe YouTube cu o seamă de videouri în italiană. Reiau aici postarea pe care am dat-o…
Forget about the EVs, here’s how the EU will save the whales
If anyone still needed a proof that the Eurocrats and the Green Nazis are the most patent retards the humankind has ever seen (except maybe for the State of California,…
The Blue That Is Green (And More)
Posted originally on Facebook, this is one of those “I'm at war with the world” things, simply because my eyes are trained to perceive and judge colors in terms of…
WordPress 6.3 broke my site and theme. Again!
Six months ago, I noticed how WordPress broke my site. Now that WP was released on August 2, but IONOS has upgraded to it a few days later, I noticed…
Întâmpinând cu tristețe Festivalul Internațional de Benzi Desenate Istorice Brașov
Reproduc în cele ce urmează o postare pusă pe Facebook aici, referitoare nu atât la festival în sine, căci tema festivalului nu este Pif. Cum însă Mircea Arapu este invitat…
Vremea laptop-urilor și upgrade-urilor ieftine
În momentul în care mi se semnalase știrea potrivit căreia cererea slabă de PC-uri și tablete forțează companiile să reducă prețurile, eu tocmai profitasem, zic eu, de acest fenomen. Și…
France is a woke dictatorship, and Twitter is its lackey
After a couple of losses in the family, and a number of other emotionally distressing incidents, here's the latest “gift” the Universe (or rather, this planet of imbéciles) just gave…
Pisa (2008-2023)
Rest in peace and forgive us for letting you suffer in pain and not knowing how to let you go sooner. We will miss you every single day we spend…
Relevanssi is the worst famous WordPress plugin in existence!
To paraphrase a famous French criminal case, Relevanssi m'a tuer! (sic). To put it simpler: Relevanssi is a huge piece of crap. A monumental shit, if you prefer. Not only…
WordPress likes to break my site, because such software is just shite
Recently moved to a new hosting—more precisely, since Dec. 26, 2022—I was fighting with the lack of motivation that made me procrastinate the writing of blog posts, when I discovered…
Cybersecurity, VPN myths, and the GDPR idiocy
These are three distinct topics, but in my opinion they all deserve attention, and once you consider all the facts, you might conclude that so many people are barking at…
Language Learning Apps and YT Channels: Season 3
This comes as a late update to my previous post from 2021, Language Learning Apps, Revisited: 34 Products + Bonus Links, which in turn was an update to a post…
Online learning with Udemy and Domestika, but also on YouTube!
Today another Udemy sale campaign ends, and I didn't purchase anything (strange enough, it featured courses from €11·99 for existing accounts, and from €14·99 for new students); this reminded me…