I might have discovered what ahedonia means
I wanted to write some blog posts, but I cancelled or postponed them. I had plans to investigate, study, examine, dig, look into a number of IT-related things, and I…
Este Cîcîrostanul o cîcîrocrație, sau o cîcîrotatură?
Am scris aceste rânduri în timp ce-l ascultam LIVE pe Pătraru. Cine a sinucis democrația? Taman că când credeam că nu se poate mai suprarealist, mai absurd, mai grotesc, mai…
elementary OS, an OS for suckers
I’ve been, and I still am, mentally busy with the elections in Romania and their unpleasant results so far (rounds: Nov. 24, Dec. 1, Dec. 8), so I canceled a…
Țara tâmpiților (care suntem)
Poporul român e bolnav la cap. E futut la creier. Are o scuză că a votat prost, dar nu are o scuză că a votat atât de prost. Firește, nu…
Yes, you can be both anti-Putin and anti-Israel!
Cocksuckers are 100% pro-Israel, no matter what Netanyahu does. Because if you care, you are pro-Hamas. But one can be anti-Putin and anti-Bibi at the same time. That's now the…
WordPress 6.7: idiots keep being idiots!
I tried to ignore the stupid Automattic vs. WP Engine feud that poisoned the community of WP users. You can read a bit about this conflict here and here, among…
The suicide of the car industry
After the old news that Europe’s biggest carmaker, Volkswagen, might need to close factories, cut thousands of jobs, and diminish wages, I stumbled upon a newer one: Ford said it…
Luddism #2: From snaps to immutable and back
People don’t like my rants that are supposed to be exactly that, not to mention that a blog, by definition, should mostly consist of rants. In fact, over the last…
Luddism #1: From passwords to passkeys
In the context of the passwordless desideratum that might be achieved by the generalization of solutions based on standards aimed at improving authentication security by moving away from passwords and…
Economie și finanțe: Un contabil bun poate fi pe alocuri și prost
Am aflat despre tovarășul Radu Georgescu, unul din numeroșii Radu Georgescu, din rebutul de presă românească. Respectivul a fost citat cu câteva observații bune, toate preluate de pe Facebook. Doar…
Scattered thoughts about Russia and the world
Thursday, Nov. 7, has been an interesting day for those who follow the world’s politics. Somewhat surrealistic, but that’s how everything is in the last couple of years or even…
Searching with or without AI’s aid?
I still couldn’t find the time and motivation to even start writing a blog post about the so-called AI, but I want to share a one-off experience I just had…
Christian Godard (1932–2024)
Un autre dernier des grands s’est éteint. Il s’agit de Christian Godard, scénariste et dessinateur, un titan de la BD franco-belge. Je reproduis ici le communiqué de la famille tant…
Cuza asasinul și medicina legală geto-dacă de la 1862 toamna
Pe acest blog am doar câteva postări pe teme de istorie, pentru că deși mă interesează, nu sunt pasionat de ea în mod obsesiv, așa cum e cazul lui Dorin…
De ce nu e bine să permitem tuturor proștilor cu diplomă să dea sfaturi
Această postare este o copie a textului de pe Facebook, și este o reacție la acest articol care ar trebui citit înainte de opiniile mele: De ce e bine să…
Les jeux sont faits, rien ne va plus
All’s well that ends. Period. I’ve got sick of this planetary tumult and whining about what could happen, what would happen, what’s going to happen to poor us, non-Americans, if…
Trump vs. Dems vs. Israel: not taking sides, just quoting
You know what he said: I’m not saying they’re eating cats and dogs, I’m just repeating what was reported. I also might have a bridge to sell, if you’re interested.…
La peor gota fría (DANA) del siglo, y la mayor incompetencia
I tend to get easily revolted, which means I never truly learn from getting older. But I want to express my indignation and frustration regarding the outcome of the recent…
A small collection of Romanian idioms, explained
A random collection of 80 Romanian idioms, from an Instagram account, downloaded using a Chrome extension. Not the best possible choice, and not always explained the way I’d have done…
AppImages: the worst choice in “portability” (with examples)
I occasionally discussed the modern alternatives to using packages, meaning AppImages, Flatpaks and snaps. Politics and hatred aside, both Flatpaks and snaps are usable. AppImages, on the other hand, are…