This good wish of mine has been triggered by an elementary issue called scrollbars. Of course, based on how scrollbars have changed to tiny, when not hidden, elements, I should add to the list of “please die of colon cancer” many other designers, i.e. those responsible for such abominations in Win10, Win11, macOS, GTK/GNOME, Qt/KDE, and maybe more.

Here’s how scrollbars look like in Firefox 131 under Ubuntu MATE, which I installed out of being sick of things continually changing for no good reason, but I missed the fact that scrollbars were already screwed by the GTK geniuses—left, with the mouse “hover off” and right with the mouse “hover on”:

Tiny, microscopic pieces of shit. Because this is “modern design” to Gen Z!

And now, the same in Firefox ESR 115, the last version that will ever be available for Win7 (hover off/on):

I don’t remember whether I did customize Firefox in Win7 or not, but Win7 has visible scrollbars by default. I mean, by design. No wonder so many people wanted to stay with Win7. Even more people would have loved to keep using WinXP SP3.

Of course I am using the mouse wheel to scroll in long or very long lists! But I should be able to grab and drag the scrollbar’s thumb as well!

Back when I wrote about using AlmaLinux KDE, in the section about browsers, I added these bits:

BONUS TIP FOR FIREFOX! I cannot stand the tiny scrolling bars that the Proton UI has implemented in Firefox since version 89. I want solid, visible scrollbars, not gender-fluid ones. So I went into about:config and changed a number of widget.non-native-theme.* settings:

The default scrollbars vs. the modified ones (to which the system theme has also been applied):

The chosen options weren’t ideal, but at least there was some leeway for the user to customize the look and behavior of the scrollbars in Firefox. Well, it looks like some widget.non-native-theme.* settings are no longer available in Firefox 131!

I tried fiddling with several settings, but it looks that it’s not possible anymore to have the scrollbar always visible or to have the thumb’s width constant, i.e. not thinner on hovering off it. Some settings are simply ignored! What the fucking fuck, Mozilla?!

I’ve read this on Reddit: Changing widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.size.override in about:config Does Nothing.

I’ve read this complaint from 2022 and the replies to it:

Please, please, please give an option to set the width of the scroll bar in Firefox. It’s so narrow that about 50% of the time when I try to drag it down, I end up dragging down the whole window. I’m sure it’s nice for those who have their smartphone welded to their palm, but some of us still use PCs occasionally, and it’s so annoying I usually just use the Page Down key, making the scroll bar pointless. I can’t imagine anyone with less than great vision even trying to use Firefox because of this.

In a Reddit thread started by a retard who claimed that “the smaller (less intrusive) scrollbar is the greatest improvement to Firefox in a LONG time,” I’ve learned from this reply that has the following options:

  • 0: Default platform scrollbar style
  • 1: macOS scrollbars
  • 2: GTK scrollbars
  • 3: Android scrollbars
  • 4: Windows 10 scrollbars
  • 5: Windows 11 scrollbars

Also, that ui.useOverlayScrollbars toggles the automatic hiding of the scrollbar. Well, it doesn’t anymore! Unless Firefox 131.0.3 has a specific bug, the behavior of the scrollbars is completely fucked-up in Firefox, by design!

Finally, someone recommended this add-on: Custom Scrollbars by Wesley Branton. That someone must be another retard, because this add-on can make the scrollbar only thin or thinner, but not larger, and with auto-hide or always hidden, but not always visible!

OK, the “Android scrollbars” option makes the thumb wide, but it’s ugly as long as the full scrollbars aren’t always visible, so I can’t use it.

In this world where we have accessibility-related legislation, Mozilla’s (and GTK’s, etc.) shitheads only thought of the completely blind or crippled people, instead of adding the following two visible options in the settings:
☑️ Enable wide thumb scrolls
☑️ Enable always visible scrollbars

If there were a God, He would give a lethal form of cancer to those who took such design decisions. Such people also deserve to be anally raped. Should I wish something to their mothers, too? Because they should have gotten an abortion instead of bringing such scumbags to the world.

Such people like teeny-tiny scrollbars, but huge, heavy SUVs. Next thing, they’ll force electric cars on us. Oh, wait…