I am waiting to be told how catastrophic floods like the ones currently in force in Europe will disappear if we all just buy electric cars and give up the farts of cows, sheep, goats, and pigs. Preferably from the podium of a COP, WEF, or G7 conference where participants came in private jets.

Meanwhile, we’ll keep mining crypto-shit, and keep wasting energy on AI. I understand that it’s fashionable among those with beefy Nvidia cards to run LLMs at home, as they’re bored with cooling their PCs with water and adding disco lights to them just for gaming.

In fact, I’m also told that the TikTok generation, when they want to find out how much 6×7 makes, no longer use a pocket calculator or a smartphone app, but have switched from asking Google to asking ChatGPT! What could be “greener” than that? (Soylent Green, naturally, but we just cannot do that.)

And the 8 billion of us are going to consume more and more per capita, because it’s our due — especially the Americans (die US-Amerikaner, los estadounidenses) feel entitled to consume energy insatiably. We’ll keep packing ourselves in concrete megalopolises that are heat poles, and we’ll keep creating mega-sites and mega-industrial parks, be they in Guangdong. Why are these vortexes and tornadoes appearing? I don’t know. I really don’t get it. Was the Boris storm sent by Putin?

By the way, in the summer I consume less than 2.4 kWh/day at home with two laptops (the older one with a 65 W power adapter, the newer one with 45 W), LED bulbs, fridge, microwave, washing machine, and vacuum cleaner (no A/C). And there is a reason why durable goods, brown or white, are called durable. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t cut down any trees that are still viable, and I wouldn’t approve any building closer than 50 meters from another, except G+1 or G+2. Even Stalin had a plan to plant millions of trees, even though he didn’t care about people’s lives. But this planet really wants to destroy itself.

As for the excessive farts coming from Brussels or from Davos…

[Translation of a post of mine in Romanian on Facebook.]