I might have discovered what ahedonia means
I wanted to write some blog posts, but I cancelled or postponed them. I had plans to investigate, study, examine, dig, look into a number of IT-related things, and I did exactly nothing in the last three weeks. I had things to do in Linux—nothing was done. Heck, I have online courses I planned to take. I even wanted to do something about at least one foreign language. What happened instead is that my brain was mushy and inept, unable to find the motivation, interest, pleasure, or even the required power to focus to get anything accomplished.
The other day, I learned this word called ahedonia. It’s an almost perfect description of how I feel.
Living in these times is a powerful anesthetic.
The political events in my home country, with the TikTok-powered ascension of the Messianic fascist and mentally insane Călin Georgescu was only the starting point of a realization: really nutty times are coming. Not just in 2025. Maybe for the next 15 years, or 25, or 40.
Not that the political climate in “my other country,” Germany, was any better. Here, too, we might see the traditional parties losing to AfD. But the entire Europe is a wreck. Look at France. And look at the general atmosphere.
Oh, just ignore the pre-Christmas monomaniacal response of 500 million retards. There’s nothing to celebrate, because it just isn’t. Things are not getting better in the world. Not even in Syria. I maintain my right to skepticism.
I just ran over a very short interview with political scientist Ivan Krastev on democracy, war, Europe, the US, and mostly the death of Europe. “Future is something that we don’t want to come,” he said. I happen to agree.
Oh, he tried to be optimistic. The representative of that nation of flat bell peppers and cucumber growers didn’t talk shit, but his optimism was unwarranted. Why, democracy has always been in a crisis, huh? Maybe, but the current level of mass idiocy and political ineptness is unprecedented. I hold the belief that it’s not TikTok that almost elected Călin Georgescu, but the decreasing judgment of the masses. Even the educated strata have been seduced by that maniac who’s the adept of every single conspiracy ever imagined, bar for the flat Earth one! Then, even if we ignore the re-election of Trump (but will we be able to do so?), you should realize that most Americans are on TikTok. Yes, they are. This is where they live; this is where they get their information; this is where the craziest ideas are spreading. Even the legitimate information, such as learning about dark empaths, has spread via TikTok.
I’m positive that 2025 is the start of the new Dark Ages. An entire Europe and North America will become irrelevant. Barbaric Russians and pragmatic Chinese will sodomize us all. True dinosaurs as we are, we’re already half-dead, but we don’t know yet. This might seem paradoxical, given that we like playing with new and useless technologies.
Either way, I tried to ignore the dark prospect of the next six months in Eastern Europe. Or in Europe as a whole. I wasn’t a fan of doomscrolling, but following the irruption of the “TikTok candidate” in Romania, there have been countless debates on the Romanian society. A doomed one, if you ask me. I tried to put myself at a distance from such talks and analysis and shit, but I might have failed.
The usual soft drugs aren’t effective anymore. Reading crime mysteries? Useless. Non-fiction? That’s even worse. Music, maybe? (I even tried Spotify.) Nope. Oh well, a few episodes from a sitcom or some other entertaining TV series? Ineffective. Comic strips of any kind? Meh. There must be a reason the term ahedonia got invented!
Some of Bashar Al-Assad’s Captagon might prove useful, but in this overcontrolling world of “dictatorial democracies,” even the best antihistamines or cough suppressants are prescription-only. If I were younger, I’d probably vote for anarchy. BTW, here’s a documentary to watch: the ENGLISH VERSION (subtitles and voice-over) of Bachar el-Assad, le pouvoir ou la mort (Christophe Widemann; Magneto Presse, 2017).
Well, I’ll try to put myself together. There are so many interesting things in life, but I’m disappointed by so many things (and people), and I have so little hope regarding the future, that I literally just can’t.
Meanwhile, my misanthropy got boosted by two orders of magnitude.
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