Archives for December, 2024
Red Hat is fucking shitting on Linux
I wanted to write this about two weeks ago, but I just got sort of apathetic. Well, what I wanted to say has to be said, so here it is:…
Magdeshit: Germany is a failure
How is Germany not a failed state? How was it possible for the security services not to be able to make impossible such terror attacks like the one in Magdeburg?…
Gramatica geto-dacă e cea mai superioară, etc. (cu completări)
Răcit fiind, păduri nu pot cutreiera, și nici concentrațiune prea multă nu am a dezvolta. Dar pentru că ce am de combătut a apărut pe un blog, mi-am zis să…
I might have discovered what ahedonia means
I wanted to write some blog posts, but I cancelled or postponed them. I had plans to investigate, study, examine, dig, look into a number of IT-related things, and I…
Este Cîcîrostanul o cîcîrocrație, sau o cîcîrotatură?
Am scris aceste rânduri în timp ce-l ascultam LIVE pe Pătraru. Cine a sinucis democrația? Taman că când credeam că nu se poate mai suprarealist, mai absurd, mai grotesc, mai…
elementary OS, an OS for suckers
I’ve been, and I still am, mentally busy with the elections in Romania and their unpleasant results so far (rounds: Nov. 24, Dec. 1, Dec. 8), so I canceled a…