Archives for September, 2024
Is this neuroscientist stupid? Now with a language connection!
This is to complement an older post of mine, The Blue That Is Green (And More). Here's what I just read in the Guardian: Do you see blue or green?…
ADHD insights for ADHD people
I happened to learn about the book ADHD : New Science and Strategies for Thriving with Distraction from Childhood through Adulthood, by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey ,…
Quick weather update
I am waiting to be told how catastrophic floods like the ones currently in force in Europe will disappear if we all just buy electric cars and give up the…
I wish I weren’t born in Europe
This is just a bit of venting, but also a measure of the exasperation I experience: life in Europe is more and more of a dystopia. I wish this nightmare…
Nu, Nicușor Dan nu a rezolvat problema de clasa a patra! Actualizare: ba da!
Am crezut că îmi scot creierii din mucezeală, dar de fapt mă enervai întrucâtva urmărind o așa-zisă provocare a unei profe de mate pe care Prelipceanu i-a prezentat-o lui Nicușor…
It’s time I said something against Ukraine (another long read)
Just because the Ukrainians are victims doesn't make them always right. Just because Zelenskyy has proven to be a surprisingly strong leader doesn't mean he never makes any mistakes. Just…