I’ve been, and I still am, mentally busy with the elections in Romania and their unpleasant results so far (rounds: Nov. 24, Dec. 1, Dec. 8), so I canceled a post and postponed others (supposing I’ll still write them). But I can add a quickie, just for my (dark) soul.

So I read that elementary OS 8.0 has been released (Distrowatch; official site; OMG! Ubuntu; Linuxiac). Yes, it’s annoying:

  • It’s “Pay What You Can”—but you can choose to pay as little as $1.
  • “The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS” is a complete lie: the dock and the general look and feel are definitely macOS.
  • It takes the worst from GNOME (and Ubuntu)—Files, the castrated Nautilus that only has two views: icons and detailed list (they call these modes “Grid” and “List”).

But, well, it’s based on Ubuntu, so one could surely use the best of both worlds, or at least I’ve heard there are some extra apps specifically developed for elementary OS?!

I wanted to explore their exclusivities, so I went to their App Center. What I discovered shocked me: many apps that are free elsewhere are paying in elementary OS! And yes, they’re open-source apps! What the fucking fuck?! Random examples follow.

Tuner by Louis Brauer is $5: https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.louis77.tuner/

But it’s free:

Mixer by Allie Law, which is completely useless bar for the per-app balance, is $3: https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.childishgiant.mixer/

But it’s free:

Maurborgne by Justin Haygood is $10: https://appcenter.elementary.io/io.github.jhaygood86.mauborgne/

But it’s free:

Peeq by David Howell is $10: https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.dbhowell.peeq/

But it’s free if you build it yourself: https://github.com/dbhowell/peeq

Crypt by David Johnson is $10: https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.dcharles525.crypt/

Well, crypto junkies deserve to pay $10 for it.

Now, really, why would anyone use elementary OS, unless they’re brainwashed Apple users whose motto is “Please, take my money!”?